Finished routing the hardware fixes that I found while testing the OctoPROBER. Was able to add another optocoupled output for auxiliary devices.
Just need to clean up the schematic for the final release.
Finished REV 0 of OctoPROBER last night. I added a MCP3021 which is a I2C 10bit ADC with one analog channel. It will be used to monitor the battery voltage and indicate when the lithium battery is close to being dead.
Schematic is a bit of a mess but I will be cleaning it up.
Files are on GitHub. Will start programming the hardware test software this weekend for the propeller.
This has been an idea I have been kicking around for awhile. The OctoPROBER is a 8 channel, K-type thermocouple temperature logger. It has a micro SD card slot for logging data remotely. The USB connection can send log data directly to the PC.
Power is supplied via internal lithium 18650 3.7V cell and is charged over USB. The BQ24075RGTT is used to manage the charging of the lithium battery by using the outputs of the FT230X USB chip. I will cover this in more detail when I can verify my idea will work.
To prevent corruption of the SD card a soft power circuit is employed. A single optocoupled output is given to allow control of an external circuit.