Category Archives: PCBA & ENG

Power line noise analysis for the PDS V1.1

Here is some analysis of the power lines and noise on the board. These measurements are taken with no load on the I/O besides what is built in on the board. Pins 29 and 28 run the EEPROM in I2C mode on boot to load the program into the Propeller.

With the Propeller doing nothing the board takes 7mA on the 5V line. Flipping all the ports as fast as the Propeller can do it at takes 20mA at 5V. Turning on all the cogs (8) and flipping the pins takes 94mA which is almost 1/5th the power budget of the USB spec (5V 500mA). During these measurements the board was powered with a dedicated lab power supply.

Here is the worst case noise analysis of the board. This is when all cogs are on and flipping all the I/O on and off to surge the power lines. Power is from my laptop USB port.

The top line is the 5V line from the USB port. This is expected to be fairly clean. The scope showed that it was relatively flat with with very little peak to peak action. This shows my laptops 5V line is a relatively good power source for the PDS.

The bottom line is the 3.3V line that is produced from the regulator on the PDS. As you can tell it is not level and oscillates a bit. The peak to peak is at 1.44V which is a very dirty power line. To fix this I added a 1uF capacitor to the 3.3V line which generated the following power signals.

The 3.3V line now has a peak to peak of 160mV which is pretty good. I tried a 10uF capacitor to see if this could be improved but I received the same results. The PDS V1.2 will need to have a 1uF capacitor added to the board before production. This will be added via dead bug technique to the PDS V1.1 boards.

PDS V1 is successful!

I just finished soldering the first Prop Dev Stick and tested it. After installing the FT232 drivers I was able to program the propeller straight from the Propeller Tool. Serial Terminal has also been tested.

I am going to be shipping a couple of these for testing. If you do embedded systems or mess around with micro controllers I would like for you to test it out. I am offering a fully working and soldered board for just the price of parts alone ($20). Simple stuff like usability, durability, and performance will need to be tested in real life scenarios before I move it into production.

Interested? Talk about it on the forums!

Late night PCB work.

I have had this idea to make a very small development board for the Propeller for a while now. The idea is that you can have it on your keychain or something and just plug the entire unit into a USB port. The port powers the device and there are female headers that allow you to plug other things into it. I might add a ADC just to get some analog signal input.

So I give you /drumroll the Propeller Development Stick or PDS V1.0.

16×96 DMD Code for Reset Vector

While developing the larger 36×128 DMD I ran out of registers and logic elements in the FPGA I was using. I could have switched to a larger FPGA but that would put the final product out of the price range I was aiming for. FPGAs have loads of dedicated ram so I decided to move the display memory from registers to a chunk of block ram. To test to see if the RAM code works I wrote a program for the 16×96 display in RESET_VECTOR. It took a bit of tweaking as I have never used block ram before but I was able to get it working.

module LED_Matrix_16x96

input  wire    clk;
input  wire    LAT;
input  wire    INPUT;
input  wire    SCLK;

output  reg [0:15]  row;
output  reg [95:0]  col;
output  reg [0:0]   SDRAM_CS;
output  reg [0:0]   SRAM_CS;

reg [24:0]  clk_slow;
reg [4:0]  row_cnt;
reg [1535:0]  col_buffer;

reg  [3:0]  read_addr;
reg  [3:0]  write_addr;
reg  [95:0]  disp_mem_data;
reg      disp_mem_wren;
wire  [95:0]  disp_mem_q;

reg [3:0]  sel;

row <= 16'b0000000000000001;
    col <= 16'b0000000000000000;
    SDRAM_CS <= 1'b0;
    SRAM_CS <= 1'b0;
    clk_slow <= 16'b0000000000000000;
    row_cnt <= 5'b00000;
    write_addr <= 4'b0000;
    read_addr <= 4'b0000;
    disp_mem_wren <= 0;
    sel <= 4'b0000;

always @(posedge clk) 
  clk_slow <= clk_slow + 1'b1;

  if(!LAT & row_cnt == 5'b01111)
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[1535:1440];
      sel <= 4'b0001;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[1439:1344];
      sel <= 4'b0010;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[1343:1248];
      sel <= 4'b0011;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[1247:1152];
      sel <= 4'b0100;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[1151:1056];
      sel <= 4'b0101;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[1055:960];
      sel <= 4'b0110;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[959:864];
      sel <= 4'b0111;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[863:768];
      sel <= 4'b1000;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[767:672];
      sel <= 4'b1001;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[671:576];
      sel <= 4'b1010;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[575:480];
      sel <= 4'b1011;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[479:384];
      sel <= 4'b1100;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[383:288];
      sel <= 4'b1101;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[287:192];
      sel <= 4'b1110;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[191:96];
      sel <= 4'b1111;
      write_addr <= sel;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b1;
      disp_mem_data <= col_buffer[95:0];
      sel <= 4'b0000;
      sel <= 4'b0000;
      write_addr <= 4'b0000;
      disp_mem_wren <= 1'b0;
    disp_mem_wren <= 1'b0;
    sel <= 4'b0000;

always @(posedge clk_slow[10]) 
  if(row_cnt > 5'b01111)
row_cnt <= 5'b00000;
  col <= disp_mem_q;  
  row_cnt <= row_cnt + 1'b1;
  row <= {row[15],row[0:14]};
  read_addr <= read_addr + 1'b1;


always @(posedge SCLK)
    col_buffer <= {col_buffer[1534:0],INPUT};

display_ram disp_mem_inst (
        .rdaddress (read_addr),
        .wraddress (write_addr),
        .clock  (clk),
        .data   (disp_mem_data),
        .wren   (disp_mem_wren),
        .q      (disp_mem_q)


MSP-430: Servo and Accel demo Update

Awhile ago I uploaded a demo of the Fraunch Board that used the Accelerometer and outputted it to a set of servos. I made a video demonstrating it but I forgot to upload it.

The MSP-EXP430FR5739 board has a built in AXL335 which is a 3-axis accelerometer. It is hard wired to ports P3.0, P3.1, and P3.2. There was no demo code how to get the ADC10 to read those values.

I looked into the sequential sampling that the MSP430 supports which is where ADC10INCHx is set to the last ADC port and will go all the way down to ADC10INCH0 in sequence. This is a problem on the Fraunch Pad as the AXL335 outputs are wired to P3.0 – P3.2 which means when you set ADC10INCHx to ADC10INCH14 (P3.2) it will process more then half the pins as analog inputs!

Solution was to change the ADC10INCHx between sampling so the ADC process became round robin style. Here is the working code to sample all the axises on the Fraunch board. Also included is the “zero” calibration routines.

This code also contains a twin servo routine. The servos are connected to P1.4 and P1.5. When the X-axis moves the servo on P1.4 moves and when the Y-axis moves the servo on P1.5.

