The cabling for the fan arrived today. 8AWG wire and the appropriate cable lugs to attach it to the battery.

This is the PWM controller I am going to use while I test this fan out. It seems built well but the only problem is the A/C override is active high (apply 12V). This is the old school way of running your electric fan when the A/C is running. Essentially, you would just tie this to your compressor clutch on the A/C. Fan turns on when the compressor is running. This isn’t the correct way to do this though. When you are at highway speeds you don’t want the fan to spin up just when the A/C compressor is running. The airflow from driving should be more then enough to cool the condenser.
To activate the fan for the A/C system a trinary switch should be used on the high side of the compressor. This is basically a high pressure safety switch and a lower “fan enable” switch built into one component.
These trinary switches switch to ground to enable the fan for the A/C. Exact opposite of what this PWM controller wants. I flipped the logic with a relay.

I currently have the PWM controller programmed to start spinning the motor at 196F. Then full speed is set at 225F. As the temperature swings during that range the fan goes faster.
Current testing shows this fan is amazing. It was 99F today. With A/C on max, the fan was running at the slowest speed and kept the engine at 198F. The old fan would barely keep it at 220F.. routinely peaking at 230F.
The wagoneer needs one of these fans! Next week I will be taking the Jeep on road trip and will be able to test heat soaking the engine, highway cooling, traffic, ect. and really see what this fan can do.
The PWM controller is set to 100Hz PWM with negative polarity. Range of pulse swing is 15% to 90%.
Fan connector is Spal Kit 30130628 or DJ7049Y-1.5 9.5-11.