When i was getting all the wiring and electronics working for the DJ jeep, the temperature sensor didn’t seem to work. Turned out the sensor was the wrong resistance range. The factory servcice manual says the sensor should read like the following.

After some searching I found that the part should be J3177593. When it arrived I tested it.

Hmm at room temp (cold?) I am reading 190 ohms. This is similar to the sensor I was using. Not a good sign.

In ~200F water, we are measuring 26 ohms. Which is closer to what we want! The current sensor the DJ has was reading around 66 ohms at this temperature.
I installed the sensor and brought the engine to temperature. The gauge is in the middle of the green area.

Lets call this a success! Temperature “idiot” gauge is working. If it hits the H area that is the “turn it off now” range of temp :)