I have been running different combinations of mechanical and electric fans over the years to try to keep the TJ jeep cool. I have been running a Delta Pag 18″ brushless fan with much success for the past 2 year. The fan kept the engine cool at all conditions but had longevity problems. Currently the fan makes tons of bearing noise now and keeps killing the motor controllers. Lets get rid of it and go with something that is cheaper and OEM spec.

Top is the new fan I am going to try. It is an OEM fan for a JL/JT Jeep in Mojave Trim or Heavy Duty tow package. This fan is rated for 850W with 20″ of blade. Part number 68272755AD. These fans are used on lots of modern vehicles ranging from dodges, Jeeps, Mercs, BMWs, ect. Really easy to find. They all have just some variation of plastic shroud on it. The old/current fan is a ~360W 18″ fan for comparison. The new fan will work… or else ;)

Here is the new fan set over the radiator. It is too large but I think I can trim the shroud to make it fit.

I trimmed the shroud for the hoses and then reduced the width and epoxied in an aluminum sheet cut to fill the opening. Then made some little aluminum brackets to mount the fan to the radiator.

Fan fits! Takes up more space then the delta pag one but still clears everything. Will need a PWM controller for this fan. That is next.
Here is a good thread on OEM brushless fans.